Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 725

Chapter 725


Not waiting for his retort, she briskly moved on and swung open the master bedrooms door.

Jennie, engrossed in her cartoon on the iPad, looked up as the door opened. Her face brightened instantly. Aunt Sabrina!

The sensation of Tyrones touch lingered. Trying to shake it off, Sabrina tried to divert her attention, suggesting, Jennie, how about some playtime with me?

Give me a sec! Swiftly, Jennie shut off her cartoon, Im ready!

Sabrina trotted downstairs with Jennie.

As she left the living room, she had the distinct feeling of being stared.

Suppressing the urge to glance back, she continued to walk forward.

From behind, Jennie cheerfully shouted, Uncle Tyrone! Aunt Sabrina and I are off to have fun

Have fun and be a good girl, okay? A voice came from behind.

I wilt.

The amusement park was their destination, where Sabrina and Jennie enjoyed several rides.

After the thrill of the pirate ship, Jennies enthusiasm was palpable.

Handing her a marshmallow, Sabrina checked her wristwatch. Jennie, we should go get something for lunch.

Okay! Jennie agreed, enjoying her marshmallow. What are we having today?

She fondly remembered the previous days meals and had been eager for todays feast since morning.

Ive made a reservation at a restaurant. Well be placing our orders there. Once were at the restaurant and have the menu, you can choose whatever youd Like.

Therell be plenty of that. Oh, and just so you know, well have a friend joining us for Lunch.

The little girl thought quickly. Is it Trevor?

A bit sheepishly, Sabrina tapped Jennies nose and said, Yep, thats him.

Jennies eyes grew large, her face a picture of betrayal. But you promised not to reply to him. You Lied! You broke your promise! Why?

Trying to ease the tension, Sabrina hastened to clarify, Jennie, please understand. Trevor and I are just friends. Think about it; if there were more between us, would I have invited you along?

